오늘 학습할 표현은 '비밀을 말하다' 입니다.
'spill the beans'를 사용해보세요. 'spill the beans'를 직역하면 콩을 쏟는다는 의미가 되는데, 비밀을 콩에 비유해서 '비밀을 말하다, 털어놓다'라는 뜻입니다.
영상 속에서 spill the beans 표현 살펴보기
A: Hey, buddy. Yeah, so you got fired.
B: Fired? Why?
A: You know why.
B: I don't know.
A: Somebody spilled the beans.
2. I spill the beans about her and Ben.
대화문으로 오늘의 표현 '비밀을 말하다' 표현 익히기
Step1 대화문 읽으면서 오늘의 표현 살펴보기
Emma: Hey, I heard you have some exciting news! Care to spill the beans?
Sophie: Oh, you're persistent! Well, I got the job I interviewed for last week!
Emma: That's amazing! Congratulations! Now spill the beans about the details!
Sophie: Thank you! I'll be working as a graphic designer for a renowned marketing agency.
엠마: 소피, 흥미로운 소식이 있다고 들었어! 비밀을 누설하건가요?
소피: 오, 당신은 끈질기군요! 음, 저는 지난 주에 면접을 본 직장을 구했어요!
엠마: 정말 놀랍군요! 축하해요! 이제 자세하게 이야기해주세요!
소피: 감사합니다! 저는 유명한 마케팅 에이전시의 그래픽 디자이너로 일할 거에요.
Step 2 Emma의 입장이 되어 Role-playing 해보기
엠마: Sophie, 흥미로운 소식이 있다고 들었어! 비밀을 누설하건가요? Care to spill the beans?
Sophie: Oh, you're persistent! Well, I got the job I interviewed for last week!
엠마: 정말 놀랍군요! 축하해요! 이제 자세하게 이야기해주세요! Now spill the beans about the details!
Sophie: Thank you! I'll be working as a graphic designer for a renowned marketing agency.
Step 3 오늘의 표현 한글만 보고 영작해보기
1. 비밀을 누설하건가요? (care to)
2. 이제 자세하게 이야기해주세요! (the details)
퀴즈 풀고면서 오늘의 핵심 표현 연습하기
Quiz 1:
Complete the sentence with the appropriate form of "spill the beans":
1. Sarah: I saw you and Mike whispering at the party. Care to ________________?
Tom: Oh, it's nothing, just making plans for a surprise birthday party.
2. Emily: I heard you have some exciting news! Can you ________________?
Alex: Yes, I won the writing competition! My story will be published in a magazine.
3. Mark: What were you and Lisa talking about? ________________!
Lisa: We were discussing our upcoming travel plans for the summer.
Quiz 2:
Turn the following sentences into questions using the phrase "spill the beans":
1. They have a secret project they've been working on for months.
2. The kids were whispering and giggling in the corner.
3. She knows something about the surprise party.
Quiz 1:
1. Sarah: I saw you and Mike whispering at the party. Care to **spill the beans**?
Tom: Oh, it's nothing, just making plans for a surprise birthday party.
2. Emily: I heard you have some exciting news! Can you **spill the beans**?
Alex: Yes, I won the writing competition! My story will be published in a magazine.
3. Mark: What were you and Lisa talking about? **Spill the beans**!
Lisa: We were discussing our upcoming travel plans for the summer.
Quiz 2:
1. **Do they want to spill the beans** about the secret project they've been working on for months?
2. **Were the kids spilling the beans** while whispering and giggling in the corner?
3. **Does she know enough to spill the beans** about the surprise party?